Faculty Professional Development:Online Course Delivery


November 18, 2024

Teaching and Training Experience

Faculty Professional Development Program at UTK Digital Learning

As a Research Assistant (RA) at UTK Digital Learning, I actively contributed to the Online Teaching & Learning Certificate Program, a series of trainings aimed at enhancing online teaching practices for instructors and graduate students. Among these, I served as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for the Online Course Delivery training module.

Online Course Delivery Training (Fall 2024)

This training, held from November 4 to November 18, 2024, focused on preparing educators to effectively deliver their courses in an online format. The program emphasized practical strategies, instructional techniques, and leveraging technology to enhance student engagement and course management.

Course Development #### Responsibilities: - Guided participants in identifying challenges and opportunities in online teaching and learning based on their own experiences. - Facilitated discussions on practices that promote social presence and active engagement in online classrooms. - Assisted in the exploration of instructional technologies for course management, communication, and assessment. - Provided feedback on participants’ teaching strategies, ensuring alignment with best practices in online education. - Supported reflective activities, encouraging participants to analyze and improve their own teaching approaches.

Training Outcomes:

By the end of the training, participants were able to: - Identify common challenges and opportunities in online teaching and develop strategies to address them. - Incorporate at least two teaching practices to enhance social presence and student engagement. - Leverage instructional technologies to effectively manage online courses and foster communication. - Determine three or more methods to provide actionable feedback to students in online classes.

This experience allowed me to deepen my understanding of effective online course delivery and further develop my ability to support educators in optimizing their online teaching practices.